I made this ice cream before the start of Junk Free June. Although.. JFJ hasnt gone too well! Unexpectantly quickly we managed to sell our house and we've been going to viewings, cleaning and de-cluttering. The same day as we accepted the winning bid on the house we also had two viewings later on in the evening and we were so tired afterwards that take-out was the natural choice. So there went junk free june. We also celebrated the sale with a few squares of chocolate. Also, have been baking! Ah... well. But generally, junk free!
I found it on this blog and have been making it with many variations: http://cookingatmarystow.blogspot.com/search/label/Ice%20Cream
This time I added powdered vanilla and two ripe honey mangoes. Lovely!
This time I added powdered vanilla and two ripe honey mangoes. Lovely!